Friday, July 22, 2011

Casting Notice: Feature Film - JUNK STORE

Dixie Films is seeking all ages and types for JUNK STORE, a feature film comedy about a Mother and Son's junk store in a small ghost town. A modern-day SANFORD AND SON meets CLERKS...with a twist.

From the award-winning Mother/Son filmmaking team of Jack Truman and Opal Dockery

Shooting begins this fall.

Keep updated on casting news, notices and more about JUNK STORE! Like us on FACEBOOK by searching JUNK STORE.


THE SLUT: Female, 20-30


THE NOSY NEIGHBOR: Female, 30-50

FATSO: Extremely overweight, 25-50

THE MEXICAN: Male,30-50

THE LONELY GUY: Male, thin, 40-50

THE CRIPPLE: Wheelchair bound, 40-50

OLD FART: Male, 60-80

THE OLD HAG: Female, 60-80

SENIOR CITIZENS: All types, 50-70

THE BEAUTICIAN: Female, 30-50

THE BUM: Male, 30-50

THE DOPER: Male, 20-30

THE QUEER: Male, married, 40-55

THE QUEER'S WIFE: Female, 40-55

EXTRAS: All ages and types for locals

Email a current headshot/resume to