Friday, July 9, 2010

Casting for FEATURE FILM Comedy

DIXIE PRODUCTIONS is casting for JUNK STORE, a feature film comedy about a Mother and Son's junk store in a small ghost town. A modern day SANFORD AND SON comedy in a CLERKS style, JUNK STORE begins shooting this month in Missouri. Meals, copy and credit. There is deferred pay. Seeking all ages and types. Email submissions to:

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THE SLUT: Female, 20-30


THE NOSY NEIGHBOR: Female, 30-50

FATSO: Extremely overweight, 25-50

THE MEXICAN: Male,30-50

THE LONELY GUY: Male, thin, 40-50

THE CRIPPLE: Wheelchair bound, 40-50

OLD FART: Male, 60-80

THE OLD HAG: Female, 60-80

SENIOR CITIZENS: All types, 50-70

THE BEAUTICIAN: Female, 30-50

THE BUM: Male, 30-50

THE DOPER: Male, 20-30

THE QUEER: Male, married, 40-55

THE QUEER'S WIFE: Female, 40-55

EXTRAS: All ages and types for locals